Another Indy Star article on DST entitled House ready to vote on daylight-saving bill
Not a great deal of new information. There was a disingenuous quote by Rep. Torr: “Torr argued that the issues [Daylight Saving Time and Time Zones] were separate. Hoosiers who live near Cincinnati or Louisville, and adjust their clocks to stay in sync with those Eastern zone cities, are never going to agree with those who live near Illinois and want to stay on Central time year-round, he said.”
No way are the issues separate. The folks in Covington (Fountain County, next to Danville, IL) are essentially going to be on what they refer to as “double fast” time. The sun will be up way too late in the summer and rise way too late in April. By doing nothing, the legislature is expressing a preference and forcing the people on the western border, not already in the Central Time Zone, to observe Eastern Daylight Time and synch their clocks with New York City. That’s a choice the legislature can make, but calling the issues separate is absurd.
Also, the sidebar to the article notes pros & cons. Two “cons” the sidebar doesn’t mention are: 1. The fact that we’ll have to deal with an extra hour of darkness on April mornings; and 2. The cost to Hoosier businesses of reprogramming their computers and overhauling scheduling software already in place.
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