Despite prior promises to the contrary, Senator Hershman will act to protect us all from having our marriages forcibly dissolved before being forced into homosexual marriages. At least that’s about as fair a reading of SJR 7 as is usually given by its proponents. Jim Shella is reporting that Hershman intends to advance the resolution in the Senate despite previously stating that he would wait for action in the House.
SJR 7 says, among other things:
This constitution or any other Indiana law may not be construed to require that marital status or the legal incidents of marriage be conferred upon unmarried couples or groups.
This proposed Constitutional amendment is obviously targeted at gays, but it really affects all unmarried couples. The plain language of the Amendment prohibits the extension of particular legal rights to unmarried couples.
You know what? We’ve got real problems. And, it just might be that those problems are worse than they needed to be because our “representatives” have wasted so much energy on nonsense like this.
Wilson46201 says
Democrats in the House have just announced SJR-7 will get no hearing or vote in this Short Session which is focussing on Property Taxes
Joe says
I’d like Senator Hershman to introduce a constitutional amendment to protect women from heartless spouses who would divorce them days after forcing them to have an abortion.
Oh, wait. My bad.
Rev. AJB says
And people wonder why our state is constued as being so backwards!
Parker says
Do we at least get to pick partners before being forced into gay marriages?
Or is there some state or local agency that will assign them?
Peter says
Do we at least get to pick partners before being forced into gay marriages?
Or is there some state or local agency that will assign them?
I believe that this will be a new duty for the township trustees.
Doug says
Nah, it’ll be a logrolling deal. We’ll be outsourcing the assignment process to one of the Governor’s buddies.