I was derisively called a DINO yesterday. I prefer to be called an independent, critical thinker. Nobody should expect me to vote a particular way, just because “real” party members do. *%#@& off. I think I’m smart enough to come up with my own opinion, and besides, that’s what the Founding Fathers wanted. Partisan politics. Meh (and other disparaging, yet less polite comments).
The tribal, “my team versus your team” mentality in politics isn’t terribly helpful. It’s not anything new, certainly. I wonder if it’s more pronounced now than it has been in years past. But, I bet it’s just something that ebbs and flows.
It’s probably inevitable though. A party “organism” that is bigger and more unified is probably more effective and will roll over any individual or any party that is smaller and/or less organized. So, as an evolutionary matter, strongly unified parties will likely survive while less unified parties die.
You know, it probably wouldn’t be so bad, except that those same people spent the entire “W” era whining and crying about the exact same behavior as exhibited by GOPers. Now, when the shoe is on the other foot, it suddenly feels very stylish to them. Bah, humbug.
varangianguard says
I was derisively called a DINO yesterday. I prefer to be called an independent, critical thinker. Nobody should expect me to vote a particular way, just because “real” party members do. *%#@& off. I think I’m smart enough to come up with my own opinion, and besides, that’s what the Founding Fathers wanted. Partisan politics. Meh (and other disparaging, yet less polite comments).
Doug says
The tribal, “my team versus your team” mentality in politics isn’t terribly helpful. It’s not anything new, certainly. I wonder if it’s more pronounced now than it has been in years past. But, I bet it’s just something that ebbs and flows.
It’s probably inevitable though. A party “organism” that is bigger and more unified is probably more effective and will roll over any individual or any party that is smaller and/or less organized. So, as an evolutionary matter, strongly unified parties will likely survive while less unified parties die.
varangianguard says
You know, it probably wouldn’t be so bad, except that those same people spent the entire “W” era whining and crying about the exact same behavior as exhibited by GOPers. Now, when the shoe is on the other foot, it suddenly feels very stylish to them. Bah, humbug.
Parker says
As an IT type, my rant is “too many folk’s politics can be modeled by a BIT field”.
It’s a geek thing…