I see that Maricopa County Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been in the news a couple of times recently. He is apparently under federal investigation for abusive law enforcement practices.
State Treasurer Richard Mourdock is having him around as a guest speaker for a Mourdock campaign fundraiser. I guess Arizona law enforcement and Indiana finances go together like fish and bicycles. I’m not sure what one has to to with the other, and if I were a candidate for something, I’d probably try to avoid guest speakers under federal investigation, but that’s just me. This is on Mourdock’s own dime, so I won’t take him to task like I did for his quixotic campaign against Chrysler.
As for Arpaio, I’m about as pro-Sheriff as a civil libertarian can get, but this guy seems like trouble. (Also see this from Jon Easter.)
Marycatherine Barton says
On his website, where he asks for contributions for his campaign, Aheriff Arpaio announces that the Mexican drug cartels has taken out a $1,000,000 bounty, for his murder. Pray for him.