Hunter over at Daily Kos offers up another epic installment. This time, he takes aim at John Gibson and the nimrods at Faux News and their credulous reaction to bin Laden’s latest.
My favorite passage:
And so Gibson shows the last refuge of an armchair patriot, a man whose love for his actual country extends no further than his own arms, his own pockets, his lapel pin, and the sound of his own voice. I hardly need such urgent, bulbous threats as Gibson’s to see where the terrorists can gain their moment of advantage; I can merely turn on cable television, and see the pronouncements of the Fox News foppery, humping the so-called War on Terror with the jiggling gracelessness of a dog wooing a well-worn couch, and know that the ultraconservatives of all involved countries are the ones who have spent the most spittle on these fights, to the least service.
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