You darn appeasing appeasers. Chris Matthews presses a right wing blow hard holding forth on Barack Obama’s Chamberlain-like policy of appeasement to demonstrate even a nodding acquaintance with Chamberlain’s interaction with Hitler and the Sudetenland. All he could do was say variations of the word “appease” with increasing volume. Idiot.
Parker says
If Chamberlain hadn’t appeased all those women he would have scored MORE than 100 points in that game.
Rev. AJB says
I just lost about 45 i.q. points watching that-thanks Doug!
varangianguard says
“F” for Kevin James. That had me in stitches. Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-hahhhh!
I would have thought twice about lifting a quote that I can’t quite confirm, except from the single source who used it in an article in the early 1960s. Plus, Senator Borah appears to have held some other opinions about Hitler that would have had me looking for quotes elsewhere.
Hoosier 1st says
Not to mention that he was an isolationist Senator from the REPUBLICAN Party. Are the people who are writing his speeches total idiots? Or do they just act like it?
Doug says
I’m pretty sure they’re just not even trying any more. For them, it’s kind of like the end of my second semester in undergrad after I’d been accepted to law school.
John M says
That put me in the mind of a Seinfeld scene:
The other interesting thing about this saga is that like so many so-bad-it’s-good quotations, there doesn’t appear to be any contemporanous proof that William Borah actually said the Hitler quote (of course, there’s lots of evidence that Borah was an isolationist and a Hitler apologist, so I guess it may be one of those “fake but accurate” deals).
Brenda says
Wow… confirms once again my choice not to watch television “news.”