House Bill 1304 Academic standards tested on ISTEP. Rep. Cheatham.
Requires the department of education to provide each school that administers ISTEP tests with information concerning which state academic standards will be tested and the number of questions that will be asked concerning each standard. Requires the department to develop guidelines and the state board of education to adopt rules that describe the statistical analysis methods used to determine: (1) whether a school corporation or school fails to meet a target ISTEP score or improvement rate, and (2) whether the margin by which the school corporation or school failed to meet the target ISTEP scores or improvement rates falls outside normal random statistical variation from the target scores or improvement rates.
Why don’t we just give out the answers?
O.k., I’m being glib. I actually think we’re probably putting way too much importance on a test and not enough on the things that are purportedly being tested. At a previous job, I recall my boss telling me that the bureaucrats involved with our department were not very good at measuring productivity, rather they could merely measure the indicia of productivity.
This bill passed the House 63 to 32.
Technorati Tags: hb1304-2007, education