A gratuitously juvenile title for what will be a minimal post. I haven’t been able to attend to my blogging duties with much diligence lately, but one of the things I know I want to take a look at is the PROBE report. TDW has been good enough to post the entire report here. It is a study intended to assist in improving the efficiency of Indiana government and help cut out the deadwood. Apparently privatization figures prominently.
The big trick with privatization is ensuring transparency and accountability. I think you always have to watch for sleight of hand from folks who don’t think much of our ability to govern ourselves generally. And by this, I’m referring to those folks –often folks in public office, ironically — who constantly bewail the ability of government to do anything right. I think that, among those who think this way, there is an inclination to use privatization as a step along the road to eliminating the service entirely. And, let’s not forget the potential to mine the public infrastructure for private profit. If not for one’s self, for one’s friends and well-wishers. What a deal, right? Gut a public service you didn’t really like in the first place, generate profit for folks you like, and get a reputation for thinking outside the box and being a fiscal conservative. But, maybe I’m just burning down a straw man here. Perhaps such people don’t exist.