David Sanders announced his candidacy to represent Indiana’s Fourth Congressional District. He will face Rick Cornstuble and, apparently, Darin Kinser in the Democratic primary. I could not find a website for Mr. Kinser but he was listed on the Secretary of State’s primary list.
The Sanders’ campaign provided me with a press release . He emphasizes the need for fiscal responsibility and criticizes “tax and spend” policies. As a candidate, I suppose he has to campaign on cutting the spending, but, in my mind, a big part of the problem has been Red Ink Republicanism at the federal level that takes a “borrow and spend” approach. He identifies pork barrell spending for corporate special interests as fertile ground for spending cuts. National security is also discussed prominently with special attention given to the fact that the Bush administration has stretched us too thin. We need our National Guard defending us at home. Professor Sanders’ professional and academic experience has given him some expertise in preventing the spread of biowarfare agents which would give him particular insight into ways to combat Weapons of Mass Destruction (presumably in places where they actually exist.) He goes on to criticize the deliberately confusing disaster that is Bush’s new Medicare plan and pledges to work to simplify Medicare. He also criticizes the “Three Cs” of the Republican Congress: Corruption, Cronyism, and Contempt.
Edit: I had the full press release quoted below, but it struck me as being too long for the format of this blog. I don’t see the release on the Sanders for Congress website. If anyone knows of a link to the site online, I’d be happy to add the link.