Yesterday was the third reading deadline for the House and Senate. All the bills that didn’t clear their respective first House are not dead. But, as we know from last year’s Lazarus-like DST bill, dead is not dead. The living bills can become unwilling hosts for undead legislation. Rep. Heim did a good job of giving us a blow-by-blow in the House as it happened.
The Journal Gazette has stories on:
The Indy Star has:
One bill would have given the poorest children taxpayer-funded vouchers to attend full-day kindergarten at any school, even a private one. Lawmakers rejected that 52-46, a victory for public education supporters who feared this would drain money from their schools.
The other bill would have withheld publicly funded aid — from health care to a college education — from illegal immigrants. The House soundly defeated the measure 74-19, a victory for the state’s Hispanic community, a few of whom watched through windows from outside the House chamber.