Hostettler votes against nearly $52 billion in aid
Rep. John Hostettler, R-Ind., was one of 11 lawmakers who voted against nearly $52 billion in hurricane relief approved by the House on Thursday. The Senate voted 97-0 to send the measure to the president for his signature.
“Within seven weeks after Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast,” Hostettler said in a statement, “federal taxpayers will have spent 50 percent more than the combined annual budgets of the states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.”
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Hostettler, who is from southwestern Indiana and often votes against spending bills he thinks are too expensive, did not say whether he opposes any relief funding, or just not as much as the House approved.
I don’t know whether to add this to the “Hostettler is a nutjob” file or mark it up as a sign that Hostettler is at least not off the rails when it comes to spending. It sort of depends on what kinds of spending he’s voted for and against in the past, and I just don’t know that. If he still supports involvement in Iraq, that’s a huge strike against him since the $300 billion we borrowed to spend there would come in handy just about now.