In an editorial entitled Changing Souder’s law the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette says that it’s time for Congress to undo the damage done by U.S. Rep. Mark Souder’s poorly written legislation that prohibits students with prior convictions for marijuana violations (and more serious offenses) from receiving student aid. Souder has apparently tried to change the law to apply only to offenses committed while receiving student aid, which he says was his original intent, but he has been unsuccessful.
Glad he is trying, but it would have been better for all if he’d taken a more sober look at his legislation before playing his part as soldier in the War on (Some) Drugs. Oddly, I have heard a lot less about the drug war since the War on Terror(ism/ists) got rolling. And, of course, I guess the War on (Some) Drugs supplanted the War on Poverty. Maybe we should confine our wars to battling nation-states and come up with other solutions for other sorts of problems.