The Indiana Dept. of Insurance has a proposed rule (pdf) concerning charges a medical provider or a company handling its records can charge for providing medical records. It would add 760 IAC 1-71 to the administrative code.
Charges would be capped at:
1. $1 per page for the first 10 pages.
2. $.50 per page for pages 11 through 50.
3. $.25 per page for copies in excess of 50.
4. Actual costs of mailing.
5. $20 labor fee for requests from someone other than the patient or the patient’s representative.
So, if you’re defense counsel working on a personal injury claim, it’s going to cost you $50 plus postage if you want a 50 page medical record. (The same record will cost plaintiff’s counsel only $30.) I wonder if a court would allow the defense to compel the plaintiff to get the records since plaintiff can do so at 60% of the cost.
The public hearing is scheduled for May 26, 2005 at 11:00 a.m. at the Dept. of Insurance; 311 W. Washington St. Room 300, Indianapolis.