If the municipal executive (or the county executive for unincorporated area) imposes the requirement, requires certain owners of Class 1 structures (other than a publicly owned structure or a multifamily residential building) to have an environmental assessment of the structure and the land within 50 feet of the structure done before demolition and to report the results to the municipality or county in which the structure is located.
Establishes the statewide broadband system. Establishes the statewide broadband account within the higher education statewide telecommunications fund. Establishes the Indiana broadband development program to be administered by the Indiana development finance authority. The broadband development program is established to encourage the development of affordable broadband services and networks in underserved areas in Indiana. The broadband development program coordinates the financing of broadband infrastructure development and otherwise facilitates the establishment of broadband service in underserved areas in Indiana.
In addition, the bill provides for increasing limitations of the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission’s jurisdiction over telecommunications services. Starting on July 1, 2005, it doesn’t have jurisdiction over advanced, broadband, and information services. Starting on July 1, 2007, the IURC doesn’t have jurisdiction over any nonbasic telecommunication service. And, starting on July 1, 2010, it doesn’t have jurisdiction over basic telephone service.
Requires the department of education to publish in its school performance reports, in addition to ISTEP scores, any nationally recognized comprehensive assessment program data submitted by a school corporation, including a charter school. Increases the review period for applications to become a charter school. Allows a charter school to provide online and computer instruction in the same manner as other public schools. Requires the department of education to obtain federal funding for charter schools. Indicates that a charter school may use a private auditor and prepare financial reports in addition to audits and financial reports required by the state board of accounts. Provides that the law governing grants to alternative school programs applies to charter schools. Allows the common school fund interest balance to be used for charter school facility financing.