The future of Carroll County keeps looking bleaker and bleaker. Today, we learn that the Delphi plant of Chromcraft Revington is closing. (I believe at some point in the past, it was “Peters Revington”.)
As sales and profits continue to crumble, Chromcraft Revington Inc. this morning announced plans to close its manufacturing facility in Delphi – shifting that work to suppliers primarily located in Asia.
Furniture production at the plant will end on May 30. The company anticipates it will sell the manufacturing equipment used at the site on the city’s north side and convert the facility to a warehouse and distribution center.
Approximately 150 employees will lose their jobs.
Also in the news today for Carroll County:
- FEMA will not reimburse Carroll County clean up crews for about $130,000 in cleaning and manpower costs related to floods in January and February.
- The County’s financial adviser recommended that the county impose a local option income tax. (The financial adviser’s report cost $5,000). The State has told Carroll County to reduce its $6.8 million budget by $1.8 million.
Jason says
See, that is because Asia is like GMT +6 to GMT +9.
We on GMT -5 or -4, depending on the part of the year. We just need to one-up these guys and go to GMT +14 now!