I have only glanced at House Bill 1001, a/k/a the budget bill. The part where the General Assembly legislated that they get credit for the property tax refund seems particularly crass. The bill includes a subsection requiring the county auditor to mail a written explanation of the refund to each taxpayer which contains the following statement in at least 12 point type:
A portion of your local property taxes due in 2007 are being refunded due to tax relief provided by the Indiana General Assembly. Your refund is in the amount of $________ (insert amount of refund). If you did not receive a check because you pay your property taxes through an escrow account along with your mortgage, your lender will receive the refund and should adjust your payments accordingly.
You will note that there is no acknowledgment that the members of the General Assembly is providing this relief with our tax dollars and the members are not writing the checks themselves. It would be more accurate to say that the tax relief is being provided by the citizens of Indiana. You will also note that there is no acknowledgment that the tax relief was made necessary by past actions of the General Assembly including, but not limited to, eliminating the inventory tax, decreasing the homestead credit, and gutting the property tax relief credit.
[tags]HB1001-2007, property tax, budget[/tags]