According to the Indianapolis Star, the wingnuts are making another run at the Constitution with respect to gay marriage. Reps Eric Turner and David Cheatham are introducing legislation to put a gay marriage ban into the Indiana Constitution. Such an effort was defeated in 2007 and 2008, but apparently extremism in defense of bigotry is no vice. So, they will try again.
The single best thing about that article was that the Indianapolis Star put “pro-family” in scare quotes.
In one sense, I guess, this ongoing discussion about gay marriage has been productive. When I first began considering it, I was luke warm in favor of civil unions, but mostly apathetic to the whole cause. Now, I am to the point where I suspect that depriving gay couples of the right to marry will some day be viewed in the same light as forcing black people to drink out of separate water fountains.
So, now, I’ll go one step further. Not only should the legislature refrain from enshrining such bigotry into the Constitution. They should go ahead and repeal the “defense” of marriage act. It defends nothing. The health of my marriage is not affected one whit if my gay neighbors get married. And history will view us more favorably the sooner we stop treating gays as second class citizens.