Indiana is a Republican state. But, it seems that the right wing of the Indiana Republican party almost seems to be daring the state to vote for Democrats. They chose Richard Mourdock over Republican institution, Richard Lugar, for the 2012 Senate campaign. My views on Mourdock’s antics during the Chrysler bankruptcy proceedings are well known. On top of that kind of economic acumen, Mourdock has vowed to bring more partisanship to Washington and featured in his campaign his determination to end the EPA. He’ll be a nice complement to Mike Pence on the ballot.
For those whose tastes run more to the center-right of the political spectrum, the Democrats will be offering blue dogs, Joe Donnelly and John Gregg. If you like center-left, far-left, or radical left; well, I’m sorry, but Indiana has nothing for you.
Update Mourdock, speaking to Chuck Todd, on his governing philosophy:
I certainly think bipartisanship ought to consist of Democrats coming to the Republican point of view. […] Bipartisanship means they have to come our way […] To me, the highlight of politics, frankly, is to inflict my opinion on someone else with a microphone or in front of a camera. […] Even those Republicans who more often than not vote the right way aren’t coming back into their states or their districts and getting in front of the unfriendly crowds and unfriendly microphones to make the point as to why our point of view is good. […] I feel I can defend the purpose of conservatism, and more Republicans should be doing it just as I want to.
An example of the old quip about declaring that government doesn’t work and seeking office so you can prove it.