Eric Bradner, writing for the Evansville Press, has an article on last night’s gubernatorial debate. The candidates were asked to answer a question hearkening back to last session’s SB 89 which attempted to mandate that schools teach creationism as science.
Creationism isn’t science because it doesn’t follow the scientific method. And it’s not even very good religion. It’s perversion of one, masquerading as another. Making me think of Jonathan Coulton’s song Skullcrusher Mountain where the mad scientist protagonist asks his kidnapped love interest in frustration:
I made this half-pony half-monkey monster to please you;
But I get the feeling that you don’t like it;
What’s with all the screaming?
You like monkeys, you like ponies;
Maybe you don’t like monsters so much;
Maybe I used too many monkeys;
Isn’t it enough to know that I ruined a pony making a gift for you?
Asked about whether it should be taught in class rooms, Mike Pence is in favor of allowing creationism to be taught as science if the locals vote to do it. John Gregg ducked the question but then apparently gave a better answer:
Democratic former Indiana House Speaker John Gregg deflected the question during the debate, instead focusing on other education initiatives, but said afterward he’d prefer to keep creationism in literature classes.
But, during the debate when it counted a little more, Rupert gave the correct answer:
And Libertarian Rupert Boneham said he wants to keep creationism out of public school science classes altogether. “If we want our children to just be taught creationism and not evolution, we should find those alternative schools,” he said. “I want to keep science science.”
Give that man a cookie.