Thomas Langhorn has an article in the Evansville Courier Press about GOP hopes to capture a seat which seem to be pinned on Dr. Larry Bucshon who opposes a public insurance option as a means of fixing our health care system. I suppose the way you combat a candidate like that is to point out that, of course he opposes any real fix to the health care problem — after all, he’s doing well enough under the current system. (Assuming, of course, that Dr. Bucshon has been prospering under the current system — I don’t actually know anything about him.)
The Courier Press article mentions that no opponent has anything like a campaign organization comparable to what Ellsworth had at a similar point in the election cycle when he unseated John Hostetler. The article mentions the common wisdom that 2010 will be a bad year for Democrats – and you would expect that based on the fact that governing is always harder than campaigning – but, as of yet, there is not much in the way of polling data that suggests Republicans are convincing people they have a better idea for fixing what ails us. That might change in the next few months, but memories of the last 10 years are still pretty fresh in people’s minds.