These anti-sex crusaders confuse me. They target pornography, but you get the idea they think sex is a dirty, nasty awful thing you should do only to the person you love best, and then only to procreate. In this installment, a group calling itself ROCK is targeting a 40 year old business in Clarksville. It has put up a billboard basically encouraging people to call and complain about an adult theater called Theatair-X which has been in business for 40 years with the only complaints against it being those ginned up by ROCK. The billboard calls go to a number which is then transferred to the Clarksville town hall.
These people are a “solution” in search of a problem. I get some of the anti-pornography sentiment. The hypersexualization in our media, particularly advertising, creates some unrealistic perceptions. But, frankly, I’m more irritated by trashy looking Bratz dolls being sold to little girls than I am about porn. And, in any event, the reactionary anti-sex position of zealots like ROCK are more damaging to kids than the porn industry.
Somewhere in between (probably closer to the porn side than the ROCK side), there is a realistic attitude about sexuality that says that it’s something that can add some real joy to our lives without being used to control us or to sell us stuff.