Some mornings, I’ve got nothing. This is one of them. It’s cold and dark this morning, so just pretend I wrote an inspired rant about how inappropriate Eastern Daylight Time is for our part of the country during this part of the year.
Also, folks don’t trust the government to tell us the truth or to act ably on our behalf; which is a huge reason this whole bailout business is so difficult. Making the rounds is what purports to be an analysis of a closed-door conference call with Treasury suggesting that the bailout will tend to fleece the taxpayers for the benefit of the big investors.
The Vice-Presidential debate is tonight. Whatever happens, I don’t expect it will amount to much in the big scheme of things. The ones I can remember have all been side shows:
1988 – Dan Quayle is no Jack Kennedy.
1992 – Adm. Stockdale “PING PONG MATCH”
1996 – No idea
2000 – Lieberman lets Cheney lie about not profiting from government jobs.
2004 – Edwards notes Cheney’s daughter is gay.
2008 – ???
Governor polls are all over the map. Daniels is up by 15. No, he’s only up by 1! On cold, dark mornings like this one, I want DST-Daniels to lose, but it’s hard to put a lot of faith in those polls. But, who knows. Daniels has done some unpopular stuff and has generally behaved in a Napoleonic fashion when advancing his agenda. Maybe folks have memories that stretch back more than a year. I’m not going to count on it, but it’s possible.
O.k., so I had more to say this morning than I though. But, by all means, please consider this an open thread.