I’m going to the nation’s capital today. I’ll try to have things cleaned up by Sunday.
Getting wisdom from Albert Einstein:
Update 2 – Friday was an enjoyable day despite any number of errors, missteps, and other speed bumps that could have been aggravating had we been towing along cranky children. The flight itself was decent – just about one hour from wheels up to wheels down. Before the flight, I went to the newsstand for a newspaper, but couldn’t help myself and got a backpacking magazine. This is being a little cruel to myself since it shows pictures of places I won’t get to for at least another year.
Anyway, once we got to Dulles, however, we found out that it sucks as an airport. The baggage handling was ponderous. The wait for baggage took just about as long as the flight itself. Then the wait to get to the rental car took quite awhile. Then we checked into the hotel – and got a nice surprise. We’re here for a wedding, and the bride and groom had a nice gift basket with cookies and metro fare in it. I made a navigation error getting to the park & ride that took us into some snarled traffic at 2 p.m. on a Friday afternoon. Finally, we got to the park & ride – the Metro system in D.C. is pretty slick once you get to it.
Our first destination was a pilgrimage to the Lincoln Memorial.I like to gauge my level of jadedness by my emotional reaction to the Memorial. I still get a little choked up there, so there is still some humanity left.
After that, we got a little tripped up by the paucity of dining opportunities in the mall area. I would have been happy with a hot dog cart, but my dear wife was looking for something just a little more upscale (not much, just a little). After some wanderings (and discovering that I had “T”s phone number misprogrammed into my phone when I was calling to ask about the whereabouts of a Thai restaurant he’d mentioned near Foggy Bottom. Ultimately, we went to a little burger place near George Washington where I had an excellent burger topped with corned beef, kraut, and russian dressing.
Then we tried to walk to the Jefferson Memorial from the Smithsonian Metro station. Either it can’t be done or we took the wrong approach; because the sidewalk ended at the Treasury building and didn’t appear to go over the bridge to the Jefferson Memorial Island. At that point, we’d walked a number of miles and were just ready to get back to the hotel.
[To be continued]
Update 3
When we got back to the hotel, we thought swimming in the pool would be just the thing. But, as it turns out, the pool was kind of small and unremarkable and, in any case, was filled with about 8 teens playing volleyball with a beach ball. The elevator had mentioned they had a comedy club attached with shows beginning at 8. We had just enough time to make it, but when we went in the greeters said that the sign was wrong – it didn’t start until 9. So, we returned at 9. The audience consisted of ourselves and 10 other people. A dozen patrons at a comedy club. That’s pretty unfortunate for those comics who like to interact with the audience. It got even more pathetic — the first two comics were the greeters we’d met when we came at 8. Fortunately, the headliner was funny. My favorite bit was about Mel Gibson – “I mean, I’ve been drunk; but I’ve never been Nazi drunk.
This morning was a little slice of heaven, however. The kids being absent, Amy and I slept until a little after 9. That’s pretty much unheard of these days. So, the whole cleaning up D.C. thing has taken a back burner, but overall the trip has been enjoyable.