Over the past couple of months, I have come across a few stories in newspapers about the plight of debtors and the heartless tactics of debt collectors. Now, I’m not going to get too caught up in pretending that I collect debts in selfless pursuit of the greater good. I extract money from debtors on behalf of creditor clients and make a profit for myself.
Having said that, it was refreshing to read an article by Robert Markoff, President of the National Association of Retail Collection Attorneys who pointed out some of the societal benefits provided by debt collectors.
If there were no consequences for non-payment of one’s obligations, the temptation would be for no one to pay their bills when due. Credit is granted with the expectation that it will be repaid. Sophisticated credit grantors do understand and plan for the fact that a portion of the credit they give will not be repaid. However, by using collection professionals, billions of dollars are returned to our economy each year. This allows for lower interest rates and lower overall cost of goods and services. . . . All consumers would be penalized if businesses were unable to recoup losses resulting from bad debt.
He also has some recommendations for debtors who find themselves in the debt collection system: 1) Respond to letters or phone calls; 2) Keep financial records; 3) Be honest about what you can afford; 4) Speak up if the debt is not yours; 5) Never ignore a summons from court; and 6) Be involved.