So, the news told me that Ron Palillo is dead at age 63. He was world famous as Horshack from the show “Welcome Back Kotter.” A lot of you may be thinking, “big deal.” But, he had his face on a lunch box. I don’t care who you are; that’s big time. The actor who played Epstein died a few months ago. Travolta and Kaplan are probably sweating. The guy who played replacement sweathog “Beau” is probably too obscure to be bothered with by the conspiracy. I’m hoping Freddie “Boom Boom” Washington is too cool to die.
These deaths bring minor waves of nostalgia. It also hammers home just how much TV I watched as a kid. Hours and hours of the kinds of craptacular shows the networks were shoveling out in the 70s and 80s, particularly the ones that made it to re-runs. So, yeah, occasionally I’m a bit concerned about the amount of time my kids spend in front of a screen. But, honestly, they don’t watch too much TV. Time spent solving a puzzle in a video game has to be better for the brain than any time spent watching “Three’s Company” or “Gilligan’s Island.”
If that stuff wasn’t enough to irreparably rot my brain, I’m guessing Minecraft isn’t doing Cole any long term damage either. Though I do wonder if his generation will have the same kind of generational nostalgia my friends and I seem to get in these situations. Their culture seems more fragmented – albeit in a way that generally features higher quality entertainment than was prevalent circa 1980. Besides that, Horshack is mortal. Mario will never die.