It’s fashionable in some circles to sneer at optimism. It’s a too-cool-for-school teen affliction; and, in political circles, it’s a way to try to get one up on Obama who used notions like Hope and Change for political gain. Sure, his use of those abstractions was calculated, and certainly the Obama administration’s governing has fallen well short of the rhetoric. But, it must be said, governing is harder than talking. And, there is certainly the suspicion that President Obama wouldn’t make good on some of his rhetoric even if he had unilateral control of the government. But Palinesque “hopey changey” mean girl venom disturbs me. It reminds me of a passage from a SubGenius rant from long ago, Nenslo’s “Hateword.”
The scariest part of the Con’s lulling lies is that they are all true. Not the ones about the products and how bad you need them, I mean the ones about how life can be beautiful, it’s easier to go with the flow, things are better than they’ve ever been. They know how True they are, so they do anything they can to make those True truths look stupid and childish. They make “don’t worry, be happy” into an insulting song, ugly t-shirts, plastic hats, moronic coffee mugs so when someone says it to you it makes you want to smash them in the face, but you can’t, so you go buy a three dollar shot of Bar Gin instead. And worry miserably.
They make you want to KILL “Have a Nice Day,” and then sell you the T-Shirt with a shot and bleeding smiley-face on it. They make you HATE LOVE and LOVE HATE, mock sincerity and honesty, and sneer at genuine emotion. Then they sell you two-hundred-dollar leather jacket so you can prove you “aren’t a Conspiracy Zombie” like all those poor schmucks who don’t have skulls on their t-shirts.
In some respects, I think America has gotten too smart for its own good. (While, in other respects, of course, we can be a nation of mouth breathing morons.) I think we’ve lost a certain naive optimism of the kind that often results in prosperity for hard workers who are too dumb to fail. And, we sneer at genuine emotion.