It’s looking like former House Speaker John Gregg and former state representative Dave Crooks are going to re-enter the Indiana political ring. Gregg is forming an exploratory committee for a run for Governor and Crooks is considering a run for the Eighth Congressional District.
Both of those guys are good people and good candidates. Indiana would be well-served by either of them. I’m biased because I got to watch both of them work up close when I was working for the General Assembly. Rep. Crooks was a member of the House Commerce Committee when I was staffing it, always seemed to be diligent in considering legislation, and was super nice to me when I had to talk to him about something. My personal interaction with John Gregg was much more limited, but he was just fun to listen to over the in-house speakers of floor activity we had playing in our offices.
I think both of them will be good campaigners. Dave is a radio personality, and John’s down-home style of humor has to play better than Jill Long Thompson’s “I have a PhD” approach.
But, it’s early days, so we’ll just have to watch and see.