Sometimes we, by which I mean Americans generally, remind me of the children of successful entrepreneurs. We have been given an awful lot without having to work that hard for it. This warps one’s perspective and creates an awful sense of entitlement.
This article out of USA Today reinforces that notion.
Amid complaints about high taxes and calls for a smaller government, Americans paid their lowest level of taxes last year since Harry Truman’s presidency, a USA TODAY analysis of federal data found.
The cries of “taxed enough already” are echoes of the child who has so damn many toys it’s just such a burden being asked to pick them up. Our prosperity is the result of abundant resources clawed at great effort from the wilderness and native peoples. It is the result of sweatshops, ingenuity, hard work, and thrift. It is the result of the blood, sweat, and tears of our ancestors.
It’s true enough that many of us work fairly hard and have contributed in some measure to the overall bounty. But, I get the sense that our individual efforts are the tip of the iceberg. If we’d been born in, say, Somalia, is there any doubt that a similar level of individual effort would have left any of us far more impoverished than we are in the U.S.?
We need to get our financial house in order. We need to stop sending good money after bad. But, we also need to tone down the incessant whining about the level of taxes in light of the fact that, historically (not to mention comparatively with respect to the rest of the world), they’re pretty low.