Here is Senator Lugar’s opening statement for Nomination Hearing of John Bolton as Chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee. It is, in my opinion, an excellent statement and worth a read. It prompted me to forward an e-mail to Senator Lugar. (Not that I expect e-mails to elected officials do much good, but it made me feel like a citizen.) The e-mail:
Dear Senator Lugar,
I am one of your constituents and have had the pleasure of voting for you in your past two elections (my relative youth and 4 years in Ohio prevented from voting for you prior to that.) I read your opening statement with regard to hearings on the confirmation of John Bolton as U.N. Ambassador. I think you are exactly right in stating that an official such as the U.N. Ambassador should, before making a statement, consider first whether it is true, consider second whether it is consistent with the stated policies of the President and Secretary of State, and consider third whether there is a rational expectation that the statement will advance those policies. From what I have read of Mr. Bolton’s prior statements with regard to the U.N. and the international community, I do not believe he has demonstrated an ability to abide by those rules. Further, given those past statements, I believe that a confirmation of Mr. Bolton would be perceived by our allies as an insult. At a time when Mr. Bush has indicated an intent to mend relationships strained during the years of Mr. Bush’s first administration, I do not believe it is appropriate to add insult to injury. If it is politically feasible for you, as chair of the Foreign Relations Committee to act independently of the Bush administration, I would ask that you do so and vote against Mr. Bolton and lobby the President and Secretary Rice for a more diplomatic candidate. If not, I would ask that you and the Republican leadership allow Senators to vote their consciences so that this does not become merely a party line vote.
Thank you for your attention to this matter.
If you care to weigh in with the Senator, his e-mail address is: