House Bill 1777 Judicial Compensation. Raises the compensation of trial court judges from $90,000 to $121,122; appellate court judges from $110,000 to $139,951; and supreme court justices from $115,000 to $143,195 (plus benefits and whatnot, I presume). Jacks up small claims filing fees an additional $15 and plenary filing fees an additional $22 to pay for it. Passed second reading.
Should be interesting to see if this one gets hung up again this year. Seems like the judges have been stiffed on a raise every year for the past decade. This should’ve been passed back in the late 90s when the State was flush with cash. It’s kind of hard to tell the average Joe that a judge can’t make it on $90k when teachers are being fired and Medicaid benefits are getting axed.