I had thought the whole “sign up with Obama, get a mobile text about the V.P. nomination” promotion was a little goofy. Then, someone pointed out that, now the Obama Campaign has a nice little database of mobile numbers they can text on and around election day to motivate (primarily) young people to get themselves and their friends to the polls. Just another arrow in their quiver for maximizing the youth vote.
Not so dumb after all. And, another reason why I’m not a campaign strategist.
Brenda says
And if you were silly enough to sign up for the first one, maybe you won’t be pissed about unrelated follow-up ones. Now, our generation (well, me anyway) holds cell-phone numbers are something precious and sacred that we do *not* give out to random individuals and.. gasp… organizations.
Brenda says
Then again, the very concept of “Twitter” makes me shudder.
Doug says
I’m getting addicted to the old Twitter. I can’t explain it, let alone justify it, but it’s there.
Brenda says
Wilson46201 says
The Obama campaign has been assiduously collecting Email and phone numbers (rarely addresses) from all involved in whatever way. It’d be a safe guess that at least half of those phone numbers are to cellies with text capabilities. Barack thus already had a huge database of sympathizers with text-reception capabilities…
Wilson46201 says
Obama’s text went to 2.9 million recipients.