I don’t have any deep thoughts, but I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy New Year. It’s been fun for me to do this blog for the past year, and I’m glad some folks out there seem to get some enjoyment from coming by from time to time. My stats counter for the year (the accuracy of which I do not vouch for) indicates 44,149 unique visitors for the year; 124,316 visits; 338,269 pages served; 494,260 hits; and 14.46 Gigs transferred. Considering that January started with 824 unique visitors, I’m surprised at how the traffic grew over the year.
But to me, even better than any growth my site saw was the growth in the Indiana-focused blogosphere. As citizens, I think we’re all better served by popular attention and commentary on the issues of the day. State and local government have a much greater effect on our personal lives, generally, than do national politics. And yet, so much of our attention is focused on the national political issues which are, by comparison to the state and local issues, something of a sideshow.
I hope everybody’s 2005 was tolerable and everybody’s 2006 is excellent.
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