I know Thanksgiving is, at its root, a religious holiday, and I am not the most religious sort. Nonetheless, I think it’s probably my favorite holiday (Halloween is a close second, but on a more fun, superficial level.) Regardless of my doubts as to whom my gratitude should be directed, I recognize that I have a great deal about which to be thankful. It’s good to have holiday reminding me, and everyone else, of that fact.
For starters, I have a wife I love, two healthy kids, a job, enough to eat, and a roof over my head. That’s a pretty good start. I live in a country of such bounty I have the leisure time to do something as frivolous as write in this blog while drinking an African coffee and while my daughter sits next to me, eating grapes in November. Never mind access to technology plentiful and cheap enough to make the blog work. And I live in a country where I can express my doubts about religion and speak my mind about politics without any significant fear of reprisal.
Obviously I have my criticisms of my governments’ policies, objections to the direction this country has been heading, and fears about just how much my children will have to be thankful for when they are my age, but for today, it’s worth remembering that I have much of my own for which to be thankful.
Happy Thanksgiving everybody.
Jim says
And to you my friend. I’m sure I “type” for many as to how thankful we are for your efforts with this blog. For us all, may the holiday season be full of happiness and most importantly, health. Now on to the food!!!