Just when you think you’re jaded and numb to news reports of various atrocities, one comes along that gets you in the gut again. This morning, the Fort Wayne Journal Gazette has the story of a Fort Wayne man named Simon Rios who:
hit his wife with a steel pipe and strangled her with an extension cord, before systematically strangling his three daughters, placing shoestrings around their necks and lining them up on his bed, according to court documents.
Allen County Coroner Dr. Jon Brandenberger confirmed Wednesday that Ana Casas, 28, died of blunt force trauma to the head and strangulation. The couple’s three daughters, Liliana K. Rios Casas, 10, Katherinne G. Rios, 4, and Thannya Karolinna Rios, 20 months, also died of strangulation, according to statements from the coroner.
I was immediately reminded of the Lafayette story of Aiyana Gauvin, the 4-year old girl who was apparently tortured to death by her step-mother, with her father and step-siblings being complicit. It’s just beyond my comprehension how people can do these things.
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