Don’t get too excited. I was looking at documents posted by the General Assembly’s interim study committee on education and found that they had recommended, on a 6-5 vote, to permit Indiana residents who were undocumented under the DACA program to pay in-state tuition. Given that Republicans dominate the General Assembly and given the hard line view Republicans have taken on proper paperwork for non-citizens, I found this surprising. Turns out that a few Republicans simply weren’t present for the meeting, momentarily giving Democrats the upper hand for votes that don’t have a substantial impact.
Ed Delaney proposed that the committee approve a recommendation that all in-state residents, including undocumented students under the DACA program, be allowed in-state tuition to the maximum extent allowed by law. That proposal was approved by a vote of 6-5. Voting ‘aye’ were Sen. Melton (D), Mrvan (D), Stoops (D), Rep. DeLaney (D), Errington (D), and Smith(D). Voting ‘nay’ were Sen. Kruse (R), Crane (R), Raatz (R), Zay (R), and Rep. Cook (R). Not voting (presumably because not present) were Reps Behning (R), DeVon (R), and Jordan (R).
(DACA stands for ‘Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals.’ It delays immigration enforcement action for people who came to the country before they were 16 and have been in the country since 2007. More information, received by the committee, is available here.)
Stuart says
Mixed feelings about this. I don’t know if this should be spread around: to spread the news that a legislative committee could act with some enlightenment or keep it a secret lest the Neanderthals act to reverse it.