The Indianapolis Star has an editorial that is a little wishy-washy, but mostly critical of Rep. Buyer’s Frontier Foundation activities. What’s amazing to me, however, is that the editorial is absolutely silent on Buyer’s jarring about face on his involvement with the Foundation. First, he has no special involvement with the organization, but only after the heat was on did he suddenly remember that he was deeply involved with it.
Paul K. Ogden says
I wish there were a defense to this, but there isn’t. Buyer should just admit he screwed up and throw himself on the mercy of the voters. Voters like contrition.
Doug says
I suspect he won’t be penalized for this. There won’t be any viable primary challengers, and the District is too Republican to bring itself to vote for a Democrat.
Hoosier 1 says
and no damned Rethug will challenge him
Paul K. Ogden says
I would say that Buyer is not alone in abusing a 501(c)(3) organization. It is happening all over the place. These 501(c)(3)s get created and all they do is act to enrich those who run the organization. I think a huge crackdown by the IRS will be coming.