I cannot at all attest to the accuracy of the reporting about parliamentary procedure, but according to this column, there is a provision in the House Rules that allows a joint resolution of a state legislature to initiate federal impeachment proceedings.
This site has some details.
According to Section 604 of the Manual, “[a] direct proposition to impeach is a question of high privilege in the House and at once supersedes business otherwise in order under the rules governing the order of business.”
An impeachment resolution is pending before the Illinois General Assembly. It was filed on Thursday and recommends impeachment because George Bush violated FISA by spying on U.S. citizens without a warrant, because evidence suggest that George Bush authorized violations of the Torture Convention of the Geneva Conventions, because George Bush has held American citizens as prisoners of war without charge or trial, because evidence suggests the Bush administration manipulated intelligence for the purpose of initiating a war against Iraq, because the Bush administration leaked classified national secrets to further a political agenda, and because the Republican controlled Congress has refused to do its duty and investigate these matters fully.
Personally, I don’t want an impeachment. I want subpoenas to fly. And I want the administration to groan under the weight of a hundred investigations.
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