A win is a win, even over 7-18 Northwestern. With Sampson out as head coach and Dakich in, the Hoosiers headed to Evanston and pulled out an 85-82 win. Jason King says that the team was just exhausted on the trip up. That makes sense. From a scheduling perspective, it’s fortunate that the Hoosiers played a relatively easy opponent. They went through the strain of their head coach getting fired, pulled out a win, and have until Tuesday to get ready for Ohio State in Bloomington. Hopefully they can get some rest, shake off some of the trauma, and be more or less up to speed for the stretch.
Doghouse Riley says
Hey, while I’m thinking about it, kudos to Channel 8 for sending Jeane “My Home Planet Has No Word For Shampoo” Coakley out to get the drunken white guy take. I’d have missed the “They’ve got scholarships so they should just shut up and play” angle otherwise.
T says
They don’t have to shut up and play. Just play. All the threats of quitting were ridiculous.