This AP story on the matter describes the confirmation process for Supreme Court Justices and mentions that it takes 60 votes to prevent a filibuster in the Senate. It neglects to mention, however, that many Senate Republicans are on record as to their deeply held conviction that the President (regardless of political party, one can safely assume) is entitled to an up-or-down vote on his judicial nominees.
Jason says
Considering it is just about impossible for the Republicans to filibuster, I’m sure they’ll remember that they support up-or-down votes.
T says
That was then, this is now.
Hoosier 1 says
I wanna force them to follow through on their threat to filibuster — let’s see some damn Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Action.. from these lamea**es
Lou says
There seems to be an easy format and a grueling format for fillibusters.When either Dems or Repubs fillibister they should be forced to stand at the speaker’s stand, 24/7, reading a phone book or encyclopedia starting with A..And they should be on prime time TV doing it. That would put the whole process into perspective for all us Americans.
Any of us might support a fillibuster under a certain circumstance,whether judicial nominations or stimulus bills, but it shouldn’t be a knee-jerk response to every vote,as it has become.
Mike Kole says
Best sense of political timing, ever.