Senator David Long surprised most folks by suggesting that a long session might be necessary to deal with the insolvent unemployment fund. He’s grumpy because the House took a pass on offering a solution to the problem — primarily because the House Republicans were hoping House Democrats were politically stupid — and now the Senate has to begin the hard work. It’s no secret that fixing the unemployment fund is no fun for anybody. Taxing businesses or reducing benefits for the unemployed, particularly in the current economy, will not win you any votes. But a combination of these things will probably have to happen to fix the unemployment fund — a fix that should have been made years ago.
House Democrats came up with half a loaf; a bill that did not entirely fix the problem which the Senate Republicans probably would not have found acceptable in any case. House Republicans made it clear they would not offer any help on the House bill, presumably having visions of nifty attack ads about how the House Democrats gleefully and recklessly tax businesses. Now the Senate Republicans have to do the leading. Senate Democrats are mostly irrelevant so the Senate Republicans probably have more freedom to make unpopular decisions. Ultimately whatever the solution will have to pass the House as well; meaning some support from House Republicans.
I don’t know whether to be more annoyed with politicians willing to use & govern in fear of disingenuous attack ads or of an electorate uninformed enough to be swayed by such ads.
Update Niki Kelly has a good general round up of the session half way through. One thing caught my eye – Gov. Daniels is taking advantage of Indiana’s low base line of wages to characterize Hoosier unemployment benefits as “Rolls Royce.” See, Indiana replaces wages at 54.6% which makes it the third highest rate. But, because wages in Indiana were crappier to start with, that means an average Indiana unemployment check is $290 per week — less than all surrounding states except Michigan. That princely sum of $290 per week for people who lost their jobs to continue paying for food and rent is what our governor calls “Rolls Royce.” Hot streak!
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