Interesting piece by Eric Bradner, stating that the selection of Tim Berry by Gov. Pence to run the state GOP is calculated to block any plans Richard Mourdock might have to run for state Auditor. Berry is currently the auditor and term limited from continuing in the position. By selecting Berry as head of the state party now, Pence gets to appoint someone to be auditor for the remainder of the term. In all likelihood, that person will then win the primary for the 2014 election. Richard Mourdock is finishing up his eighth year as treasurer and is also term limited.
Bradner suggests that Gov. Pence wants to keep Mourdock off the ticket because of his implosion during the 2012 senate race; after knocking off shoo-in Richard Lugar as a darling of the Tea Party, Mourdock made the thelogically plausible but politically suicidal assertion that children of rape were God’s will. In addition to making the GOP look bad, this had the effect of allowing Joe Donnelly to win a Senate seat that would have been secure, but for Treasurer Mourdock.