I have to confess that my attention during the debate was divided between the TV, household chores, and helping my son with his homework.
But, from what I saw, Mike Pence delivered a low energy performance, reminiscent of Obama last week. He’s playing not to lose and focus on his positions and past history won’t help him rise above the support he already enjoys going into the debate.
John Gregg had a strong performance. One thing is for sure; no one is going to out-Hoosier him. Talking about Pence “lightin’ around” in that pick up truck. Gregg even mentioned time zones and class basketball, so he knows what makes me tick. If he’d said something negative about the Old Confederacy, I might have swooned.
Rupert’s positions didn’t strike me as very libertarian; for example, pro-union, anti-Right to work. But he had a strong close — talking about how it was all well and good to talk about Indiana doing better than its neighbors, but that doesn’t at all mean we’re doing as good as we can.