Gov. Daniels has signed SEA 1 which gives individuals the right to use force, in some cases deadly force, against law enforcement officers. The Indiana Law Blog has posted a news release with the governor’s statement explaining his decision to sign the bill.
He says this actually narrows the situations in which individuals can use force against law enforcement officers. I think that’s hogwash. My major complaint against this bill, the more I think about it, is that it permits use of force not only where a law enforcement officer is acting unlawfully but also where an individual thinks (or, in practice, claims to think) the officer is acting unlawfully.
It speaks to “reasonable belief.” I wonder if courts will permit inquiry into the individual’s overall knowledge of the law to establish that it would be unreasonable for particular individuals to believe they know what the law has to say about the officer’s actions in a given situation. See, generally, the Dunning-Kruger effect.