The Fort Wayne Journal Gazette has an editorial on Sen. Kruse’s creation “science” bill, SB 89. It would allow a school board to require creation science to be part of the school curriculum, presumably as science.
According to the editorial, this legislation is particularly inappropriate for the short session (ostensibly reserved for housekeeping and emergency items), is doomed to legal challenge (and therefore, legal bills), and then, failure:
If Kruse’s “creation science” bill is approved, a legal challenge is inevitable, according to Eugenie Scott, executive director of the National Center for Science Education.
The U.S. Supreme found Louisiana’s creation-science law unconstitutional. Since the 1987 decision, efforts to chip away at the teaching of evolution have taken different approaches, but none have revived the creation-science approach offered in Kruse’s bill.
“The law is very, very clear on this,” Scott said. “If this bill is passed, it is going to be challenged, and they will lose. The case law is so strong against them.”