Early on in my blogging career, I made my bones writing extensively about Daylight Saving Time. I haven’t done that for awhile. And, truth be told, I’m not going to do much now. But, I figured I didn’t want to let the time change pass without mention. Where I live, the time changed back to Eastern Standard Time, and I’m happy about it.
As we live through DST, I guess I have some mild annoyance about changing the clocks; but that’s not really a big deal. Philosophically, I can point to the fact that Central Time should begin somewhere around Mansfield, Ohio and, therefore, shouldn’t be starting so far west as Terre Haute. But, for me personally, the part that actually affects my life in a negative way is the morning darkness in September and October. (The late daylight was more of a problem for me in June and July when my kids were younger).
My proposal — and this is something for the feds, not the state — would be for DST to end on the equinoxes. Daylight time from March 21 to September 21; Standard time from September 22 to March 20.