Per Fox59, the Washington Post is reporting that Indianapolis’s Don’s Guns ranks #3 in the nation with respect to firearms traced back to crime.
Don’s Guns and Galleries in Indianapolis has the third-highest number of gun traces, about 1,910 firearms. Owner Don Davis, 77, said he is not surprised that a large number of guns are traced back to his 37-year-old store.
“I sell a couple thousand guns a year,” Davis said. “I sell guns to rich people and to poor. Poor people need protection, too. There’s no gun that leaves Don’s Guns that hasn’t been okayed by background checks.”
Don’s has been on this list before. Between 1996 and 2000, before gun tracing data were hidden from the public, Don’s was No. 2 in the country, according to a list ranking gun stores by traces compiled in 2004 by the now-defunct Americans for Gun Safety Foundation. Over that period, 2,294 guns were traced to Don’s.
I am shocked, shocked to see Don’s make the list. I recall a commercial from the 80s with Don saying something like, “No money down, no credit checked; just come in here with your smilin’ face, and I’ll sell you a gun.”