Seth Slabaugh has a very good article in the Muncie Star Press about the rise of CAFOs (confined animal feeding operation) in Indiana, east central Indiana in particular, under the Daniels administration. Gov. Daniels had hoped to double pork production, but that hasn’t happened. He has dialed down the goal to 3% per year increases.
The short version is that we don’t want to be like North Carolina. Apparently they allowed unfettered growth without regulation (libertarian paradise!) which caused all manner of environmental problems. The response of local regulators is (and I paraphrase), “pshaw! couldn’t happen here. We’re much smarter than those dupes in North Carolina, and our soil is better for this kind of thing. Apples and oranges!”
Under the Daniels’ administration philosophy, I think what has saved Indiana from a lot more environmental problems from increased CAFO pig production is that the hog market has been in the toilet for the past few years. There are good operators out there who want to do things the right way, but the fact is they won’t survive for very long if the economic advantages, even if those advantages are short-term, are stacked in favor of the guys who take short cuts.