Introduced Version, House Bill 1184 was amended and adopted by the Committee. The amendment altered the bill (as one would expect). The bill alters the common wage law which directs a political subdivision to convene a common wage committee to set the wage for a public works project that exceeds a certain dollar amount. Under current law, the common wage law kicks in when the project exceeds $150,000. The introduced version raises that threshold to $500,000 and indexes that amount to inflation, looking year-to-year for the amount of inflation. The amendment lowered the threshold from $500,000 to $300,000 and required the inflation to be averaged over 5 years.
Then, I believe an unusual procedure took place. I’m not positive, because I’m not entirely familiar with the normal procedure, but I think that, typically, a committee report is simply approved in a pro forma vote of the House — probably a voice vote. This bill now has a roll call noted in its action list showing that something, I presume approval of the Committee Report by the House, passed 46 to 39. My guess is that labor is fighting this one tooth and nail.