Writing for the Indianapolis Star, Michele McNeil has an article on HB 1001 (The Budget Bill) entitledHouse OKs state budget: $23.8 billion, no tax hike
House Republicans stuck together Monday and approved a $23.8 billion two-year state budget that gives some schools more money, allows the state to hire more child welfare caseworkers and sets aside more money for college students. All without a general tax increase.
The budget plan increases public school funding by 0.75% per year; holds annual growth in Medicaid spending to 3% per year; and flat-lines prison spending. The article provides some good quotes on public school funding and Medicaid spending. What floors me is flat-lining prison spending. You’re going to have sick, broke, uneducated people and while keeping the “tough on crime” laws on the books. I hope the Attorney General’s office is getting a few more lawyers to fight the 8th Amendment lawsuits that will be coming down the pike when prisoners file their Cruel and Unusual Punishment claims against the Department of Correction. Who knows, if the prison can’t hire enough good guards or supervisors, maybe they’ll even get nailed with a 56 million dollar wrongful death action. Hopefully my concerns are unfounded and the legislature is taking steps to flat-line the Dept. of Corrections’ need for money.