I note SB 370 concerning funeral director courtesy cards, mainly because the terminology seemed peculiar to me. Basically it requires the board of funeral and cemetery service to implement reciprocity provisions for funeral directors in neighboring states, allowing them to provide certain funeral services in Indiana; primarily transporting bodies, completing death certificates, and supervising funeral service as long as an Indiana funeral director is assisting. The permits issued by the board to these out of state funeral directors are termed “courtesy cards.” Maybe it’s just me, but in this context, the name has that polite, yet creepy vibe I associate with funerals.
Don Sherfick says
For some reason, and with a bit of a chuckle, your post reminded me of an AM Radio show in the 1940-50’s (yes, radio…….there even before we had Etch-a-Sketch) with a character always described by a guy in a deep voice as “The FRIENDLY undertaker”. But my memory (a bio-etch-a-sketch in itself) can’t quite bring back either the name of the show or the character. Maybe your old friend Tipsy can help out here.